It is even possible to earn some experience for completing the quest by doing so. If you want to keep most of your XP, wait to turn this in until immediately after you level, the actual points lost are very minimal.The statue will be taken from your inventory whether you put an Epic Gem in it or not.Even though the text says you will be giving up 10% of your experience (not total but of the current level's XP) it in fact takes 90% of current level progression experience and leaves you with 10%.It appears as though the gold value you may gift is somewhat less than 10%.But as it isn't equippable either this is a passive or does nothing. The statue claims to give +1 Mana regen per second.Socketing a gem makes a sound indicating you completed a quest step, but doesn't actually do anything.When socketing the epic gem, no option to give the statue pops up, only experience or gold. When the third part of the quest is being completed, you can give "10%" of your XP, a level-based amount of gold or "supposedly" socket an epic gem in a statue that the quest giver gives you.Level-based XP (no Gold) for completing the quest.Since 1950 we have been providing a wide range of perennials. Permanent positive effect: The Orison -5% to all mana cost White Flower Farm is a family-owned mail-order nursery located in northwestern Connecticut.If you choose the epic gem option, you to take the figurine to a Sagecraft Altar and place an Epic Gem in it. To do this part of the quest, a Ceremonial Figurine has been added to your inventory. [ReReckoning Note: You lose 10% of the total experience needed for the level, although if you just leveled, it cannot lower you below 0 exp gained for the level.) 10% of your current XP (actually 90% of your current XP total).The Giving : You must give one of three things:.Tell him "She gave the three gifts!" or Persuade for bonus XP.Tell him "She gave all a place in Rathir" or Persuade for bonus XP.Tell him "Lyria is like waters around us" or Persuade for bonus XP.Go to the The Lower Tunnels of Rathir and convince the blasphemer to stop preaching.Snowmelt Pass : In the center west of Galafor.

Galafor : In the far north on the pass to the Forsaken Plain.Sojourn : Carry the temple amphora to the three sacred springs.She will tell you that you are welcome to the Orison if you complete three tasks. Talk to Abelyra Seranon in the Temple of Lyria in the upper city of Rathir. The work is hard, but the aura is slow to fade. Many in Rathir perform the rite, once, maybe twice in a lifetime. Note: if you have the Dowsing rod item, simply hover the cursor over the chests and it will tell you if the chest is an Aster Strongbox.“ You have seen for yourself.(where Ratofer's Charter lies for the quest Ratofer's Pawns) Where you must go for the Bell, Book and Candle Quest. One of the three strongboxes is Southeast of Corgan Hold and Northwest of Dolve Wayle near the jump off point at the Southwest end of the long building. One of the three strong boxes is at the Southwest jump off point of Dolve Wayle near the building. Several will respawn blocking your way out after you open the strongbox. The South eastern most strongbox is in a hook back cul-de-sac guarded by multiple Ettin and Ettin Shaman. Three strongboxes are found outdoors in Tala-Rane.They are also part of the quest, The Aster Inheritance.Īster Strongbox can be found in the following locations: It's a strongbox belonging to the Aster family.